A Consigli Success Story

Strategic Success and market expansion

Consigli accelerated the expansion and validation of the UK market in only 3 months from signing the contract with ScaleupXQ.

Company type


Growth stage

New market / expansion

Business model



Mid (€5-15k/year)

About Consigli

Client Target Details




Real Estate

Decision makers


Consigli specialises in developing generative AI for real estate projects. By harnessing the power of AI, Consigli aims to minimise risk, lower costs, and reduce carbon emissions by identifying more material-efficient solutions, thereby directly reducing the carbon footprint.

“ScaleupXQ has taught us how to build a systematic sales approach. In addition to new business brought in, that was definitely one of the most valuable outputs from working with them.”

Janne Aas-Jakobsen

CEO @ Consigli

The Challenge

Established in 2020, Consigli initially identified positive signs of product-market fit in Norway through founder-led sales efforts. However, the founding team needed more extensive sales experience and expertise to systemise and scale these sales efforts. Additionally, expanding into new markets was perceived as a lengthy and costly process with high associated risks.

The Solution

Initially, Consigli partnered with ScaleupXQ to establish a tactical sales framework necessary for scaling efforts in the Norwegian market. This included developing a go-to-market sales strategy, crafting a sales narrative, and implementing outbound sales processes and messaging, resulting in actionable sales playbooks.

ScaleupXQ also organised the CRM system using HubSpot to ensure the secure collection and storage of all sales data within the company.

Upon recognising the potential of a structured sales approach, Consigli expanded the partnership with ScaleupXQ to include the establishment of an operational sales team in the UK. The goal was to enter a new market, validate the product, and improve the framework along the way.

The sales team, comprising sales management, pipeline management, and sales development representatives, systematically worked to map out the market, prove traction, and generate sales-qualified leads.

The Outcome

Through the partnership with ScaleupXQ, combining operational efforts with the construction and optimisation of a tactical sales framework, Consigli accelerated the expansion and validation of the UK market in only 3 months from signing the contract with ScaleupXQ.

This approach not only deferred the costs associated with establishing an operation and office in the UK by 8-10 months but also spared Consigli the need to recruit and train local resources. With the flexibility to scale back overnight in the event of suboptimal results, Consigli effectively minimised the overall risk of their expansion.

Engaging ScaleupXQ as a sales partner, Consigli now has a proven tactical sales framework with complete ownership. This framework can be continually improved and optimised with internal resources.

Additionally, they benefit from a time-, cost-, and risk-efficient partner for expanding into new geographical markets, enabling them to comprehensively map out market potential before committing to internal resource investments.

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